San Bernardino Valley Audubon Field Trip

From: San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society
Date: 4/8/01
Time: 10:57:09 PM
Remote Name:


Hi. This is Tom Benson reporting for the San Bernardino Valley Audeubon Society Field Trip led by Gene Cardiff on April 7-8. Here are the highlights.

A pair of Cassin's vireos at the Mt. Whitney Fish Hatchery on 4/7.

A single blue grouse near Glacier Lodge on 4/7.

Pinyon jays, juniper titmouse, and gray-crowned rosy-finches on Hwy 168 east of Westgard Pass on 4/7.

Greater sage-grouse on the lek at Lake Crowley on 4/8.

Red-breasted sapsucker, pygmy nuthatch, and 4 evening grosbeaks flying over at Mammoth Creek Park on 4/8.

Burrowing owl on the road to Lake Crowley (Benton Springs Crossing?) just before it crosses the Owens River on 4/8.

Varied thrush at the north end of Lake Crowley on 4/8.

Dark-morph Swainson's hawk eating a gopher in the ag fields on Hwy 6 south of Benton on 4/8.

Thanks and good birding.

Tom Benson