Winter Wren in Bishop

From: J. Zatorski
Date: 11/28/01
Time: 8:32:23 AM
Remote Name:


This morning I was scanning my backyard after spotting a dark morph female House Sparrow when a wren-like bird caught my eye. I didn't get a real long look and the lighting was subpar, but I did see that is was a small wren about the size of the Kinglets near by, some striping on the short tail, and it was gleening in the branches. There are thickets not far from my yard where one would expect to see such a bird. Do to the limited amount of detail I could get from this brief siting, is a Winter Wren posible at this time of year and in this habitat (i.e. a backyard), or was what I saw posibly a Bewick's W. with a bobbed tail?