geese and more

From: Kristie Nelson
Date: 3/30/02
Time: 6:52:30 PM
Remote Name:


Hi all, Spring is certainly here! T-shirt weather and flitting swallows. A couple days ago (the 27th) there was a white goose at Laurel pond near Mammoth. Embarassingly I'm not sure which it was (distance, lots of heat waves and no size comparison are my excuses...), but I think it was a snow. The G Yellowlegs are looking dazzling in their alternate apperal. Yesterday there were 2 Ross' Geese (for sure!) at county ponds, below Dechambeau ponds. The gulls are bathing there again. The first Vesper Sparrow I've seen this spring was singing in the sage near the cabin I live in along Dech. creek. The exceptional mimic starling at the cabin I have now heard mimic nearly 40 secies. I find it fun to listen to. Recent interesting additions include: Bushtit, Caspian tern, BB plover, BC night heron, GR yellowlegs, song and house sparrow. the sora is still a favorite to hear from the top of the cottonwoods (I know, its a starling, but still is fun to listen to). Happy easter, Kristie