Summer Tanager in Bishop

Observers: Chris and Rosie Howard
Remote Name:
Date: 05/12/2005
Time: 10:34 AM -0400

This morning (12 May) a Summer Tanager was seen in the Prince's Plume in our backyard. Shortly after, it flew up, caught a bug in the air, landed on the barbed-wire and ate it.  Initially, we thought it was one of the splotchy red/yellow second-year males of the western race, cooperi.  But later, after reviewing Sibley and Tom Heindel, we think it may have been an eastern race rubra female.  Tom said that most of the desert sightings in May are rubra.  Three cheers for native plants!  We highly sing their praises.  In the last two weeks we have seen more migrants in our native plant garden than any part of our yard.

Photos (c) Chris Howard