Blue-winged Teal at Bishop Sewer Ponds

From: Chris Howard
Date: 4/9/99
Time: 9:10:37 PM
Remote Name:


Male found among lots Cinnamon Teal congragated in the SE pond (still within the fence). Also found was a Western Kingbird, 4 Wood Ducks, 7 Cormorants, 6 Black-necked Stilts, 1 Black-crowned Night Heron, 3 Great Egrets, and 2 Cattle Egrets. Still lots of Shovelers and Pintails.

For those of you who have not looked at birds here, park outside the gate to the parking lot during business hours, walk into the parking area, then find the gate on the left, just past the cypress tree row. Just keep in mind that you could get locked in if you stay past closing time. If it's late in the afternoon, talk with the attendant...sometimes they let you lock the gate behind you when you leave. Good Birding!