The sewage ponds: what a great spot

From: Noah Hamm
Date: 5/5/99
Time: 11:02:22 AM
Remote Name:


This morning brought with it an amazing diversity of birds at the bishop treatment ponds. At 7:30 AM I startled a black crowned night heron from it's perch on the central east west birm. There were Wood ducks, a double crested cormorant, an osprey, 14 american avocets, several black necked stilts, countless eared grebes, barn and tree swallows, and coots, bonapartes gulls, pintail, american wigeon, gadwall, cinnamon teal, ruddy ducks, ring-necked ducks, redhead, bufflehead, a great egret, many wilson's phalaropes, canada geese, common grackles, five turkey vultures, yellow headed black birds, and countless others I must have missed.