From: Tom & Jo Heindel
Date: 6/1/99
Time: 3:28:38 PM
Remote Name:
We had a singing Northern Parula in Birchim Canyon this morning. He worked the willows from the maintenance area to the green gate at the east end of the canyon. The first song was the common "sneeze" song then a little later we thought we were chasing a strange sounding Black-throated Blue Warbler only to find the Parula again. This time it was doing a "zee, zee, zee, zee, zaadle, zaadle. It was buzzy like the common song but not ascending. For those not familiar with the song it is totally unlike anything you have heard from western birds. The quality is like a Black-throated Gray but that is the only similarity. This bird has the rust breast band much larger than the black band. Good luck.