Yellow-billed Cuckoo

From: Tom & Jo Heindel
Date: 6/29/99
Time: 2:01:14 PM
Remote Name:


Two Yellow-billed Cuckoos were heard singing at their old stomping grounds in Baker Meadow, just west of Big Pine, this morning. For those who have been on the many field trips these directions should suffice. The first one is where we hear the Yellow-breasted Chats, that is, on your left as you walk up the road after crossing the stream. The second one was just west of the old corral. If anyone sees, or hears, these or any other Yellow-billed Cuckoos please notify us as we are compiling data for the company working with DWP to develop land management documents. We want to be able to say that they had these data before they made whatever decision they made. Thanks.