Mono Co. sightings

From: Emilie Strauss via N. Calif. RBA
Date: 7/28/99
Time: 12:12:44 PM
Remote Name:



* Northern California daily update * July 26, 1999 * CANO9907.26

- Birds mentioned

BROWN BOOBY [Monterey] CBRC-RS Black-and-white Warbler [Santa Clara] DICKCISSEL [Santa Clara]

Chukar [Mono] Brant [Sonoma] Oldsquaw [Sonoma] Lesser Nighthawk [Mono] Common Nighthawk [Mono] Red Knot [Alameda] Dunlin [Alameda] Whimbrel lAlameda] Red-necked Phalarope [San Mateo] Wilson's Phalarope [San Mateo] Sabine's Gull [Pelagics] Black-legged Kittiwake [San Mateo] Black Skimmer [Alameda] Arctic Tern [Alameda] Least Tern [Santa Clara] Black Tern [Mono] Xantus's Murrelet [Pelagics] Marbled Murrelet [San Mateo] Swainson's Hawk [Mono] Northern Goshawk [Mono] Green Heron [San Francisco] Northern Fulmar [Pelagics] Black-footed Albatross [Pelagics] Ashy Storm-Petrel [Pelagics] Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel [Pelagics] Pink-footed Shearwater [Pelagics] Buller's Shearwater [Pelagics] Pinyon Jay [Mono] Bank Swallow [Santa Clara] Black-throated Sparrow [Mono] Blue Grosbeak [Mono] Great-tailed Grackle [Mono]

- Transcript

hotline: Northern CA BirdBox date(s): July 24-26, 1999 number: (415)-681-7422 to report: (415)-681-7422 (Do not send reports by e-mail) coverage: Northern California compiled: July 26, 7:00 PM (PDT) transcriber: Adam Winer (

Mono County: ------------ July 25th, 8 BLUE GROSBEAKS were in Hammil Valley, in weeds and willows on the edge of a large alfalfa field 14 miles south of the Highway 120 junction at Benton and just west of Highway 6. 3 LESSER NIGHTHAWKS were with COMMON NIGHTHAWKS here, along with 5 SWAINSON'S HAWKS. (PM)

July 24th, 6 GREAT-TAILED GRACKLES were at the ponds at Benton Hot Springs. A vocal juvenile NORTHERN GOSHAWK, at least 30 CHUKARS, and a singing BLACK-THROATED SPARROW were at Yellowjacket Springs, 7 miles to the south. (PM)

July 23rd, 6 PINYON JAYS flew across Highway 167, 20 miles east of the Highway 395 junction, northeast of Mono Lake. A BLACK TERN was at the north end of Crowley Lake. (PM)

Monterey County: ---------------- July 24th, a BROWN BOOBY continued around Castle Rocks, just south of Rocky Creek Bridge and just north of Bixby Bridge. Castle Rock is 12 miles south of the Carmel River bridge. Park at the turnoff 0.2 miles past Rocky Creek Bridge (ignoring the first, tiny turnoff), and scope from here. The booby was first seen flying over the ocean around 7:45 AM, eventually landing on the back side of the southernmost of the rocks - this side is impossible to view from land. It had not yet re-appeared by 8:30 AM. (AW)

BROWN BOOBY is a California Bird Record Committee review species. Please submit documentation to committee secretary Michael Rogers at the address at the end of the report.


A July 21st trip to Monterey Bay recorded 359 BLACK-FOOTED ALBATROSS, a XANTUS'S MURRELET, and an adult SABINE'S GULL. Upcoming trips are on August 1st, 7th, and 8th. Call (831)-637-8527 for information. (DS)

San Francisco County: --------------------- July 24th, in Golden Gate Park, a group of GREEN HERONS were roosting at the north end of North Lake. (BM)

San Mateo County: ----------------- July 24th, at Pescadero Marsh, a juvenile WILSON'S PHALAROPE and 2 RED-NECKED PHALAROPES were on the east pond. 30 BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKES were at the mouth of Pescadero Creek and 14 MARBLED MURRELETS were just offshore. (PS)

Santa Clara County: ------------------- Today, July 26th, in San Jose, the adult male DICKCISSEL was seen again on the east side of the eastern dike of the Guadalupe River. It perched on top of a tree by the volleyball court 100-150 feet upstream of the grass marker placed across the lower trail. It flew downstream and could not be relocated. From Highway 101, take Montague Expressway northeast. After crossing the creek, turn right on Orchard Drive, and an immediate right at the first driveway. Drive to the back of the parking area on the left, and walk the dike to the left. (BR) The DICKCISSEL was first found on the 24th, when it was with House Finches and House Sparrows, in a spot about halfway between Montague and Trimble Road, and marked with a line of brush across the lower trail. (MR) The Dickcissel was also seen on both sides of the river there on the 25th. (MM)

Also found July 24th, in San Jose, a male BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER was also along the Guadalupe River, underneath the eucalyptus several hundred meters south of Montague Expressway. The warbler had molted most of its tail feathers, and has probably been around for awhile. (MR)

Today, July 26th, in Mountain View, the immature BANK SWALLOW was seen again on the fence at the northeast corner of Crittenden Marsh. 4-5 LEAST TERNS were over the western edge of Salt Pond A2E, with more out over the marsh. From Highway 101, take Shoreline Boulevard north, and turn right on Crittenden Lane. Park at the dike at its end. Cross the creek and walk north to the dike between the first two ponds on the right. (BR) The swallow was first found on July 24th, when 16 LEAST TERNS were present. (MR) Over 100 LEAST TERNS were here on July 23rd. (BR fide MR)

Sonoma County: -------------- July 23rd, in Bodega Bay, a male OLDSQUAW in eclipse plumage was at the entrance to the harbor, near channel marker 3. 5 BRANT were off the entrance to the Bodega Marine Labs. (MP)

Observers: John Hutz (JH), Mike Mammoser (MM), Bob Mendel (BM), Peter Metropulos (PM), Michael Perone (MP), Bob Reiling (BR), Mike Rogers (MR), Paul Saraceni (PS), Debbie Shearwater (DS), Kirk Swenson (KS), Adam Winer (AW)

California Bird Record Committee documentation should be sent to:

Michael M. Rogers, Secretary California Bird Records Committee P.O. Box 340 Moffett Field, CA 94035-0340 email:

- End transcript

RFC-822 Header: ---------------------------------------------------- Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/8.8.7) with ESMTP id TAA22808 for <>; Mon, 26 Jul 1999 19:05:51 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by (8.9.2/8.8.5) with ESMTP id TAA08648; Mon, 26 Jul 1999 19:04:37 -0700 (PDT) Received: from localhost (awiner@localhost) by (8.8.8+Sun/8.8.8) with ESMTP id TAA13188; Mon, 26 Jul 1999 19:08:00 -0700 (PDT) Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 19:08:00 -0700 (PDT) From: Adam Winer <> To: BirdBox transcribing -- Birdwest Mailing List <>,, Subject: RBA: N.Calif BirdBox 7/24 - 7/26 Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII