From: Tom & Jo Heindel
Date: 8/9/99
Time: 9:55:59 AM
Remote Name:
This morning 15 species of shorebirds were seen at the north edge of Tinemaha Reservoir including Snowy Plovers and Semi-palmated Sandpipers. Yes, plurals on both. Chris Howard found a small pool that had a Semipal Sand in with 2 Western Sands and 2 Least Sands for a great study. Most in the group will never again have trouble with juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers. Also seen was a female Least Bittern that was a life bird for some. Add to that a cool day with little wind and clouds dulling the sun but not the colors and you have a near perfect day. A Red Knot would have made it a perfect one! The next month is an exciting time for shorebirds so keep studying those little brown jobs and run alongside the water's edge.