Owens Lake shorebirds

From: Tom and Jo Heindel
Date: 8/25/99
Time: 3:40:05 PM
Remote Name:


Yesterday Judy Wickman called to say that she and Mike Prather had 3 turnstones south of the delta. We arrived before the sun did today and found the adult Peregrine Falcon they had, eating again, found the immature Prairie Falcon, found the 1500 Least Sandpipers, etc. but did not find the turnstones. There are no records of Black Turnstone for the county and this is a "good" time if they were Ruddy but there are only 3 fall records in over 100 years of looking. The birds were silhouetted so they looked dark and were a good distance away. It is the time to visit your favorite wet spot and see if you can find them turning stones, or anything else, and report them to the group. We had 14 species of shorebirds with the best being Black-bellied Plover, Snowy Plover, Solitary Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, Marbled Godwit and Short-billed Dowitcher. It really is an exciting time of year!