From: Michael J. San Miguel, Jr.
Date: 10/10/99
Time: 7:23:53 PM
Remote Name:
Spent Friday and Saturday poking around eastern Inyo and had some fun birds. Furnace Creek had two Swamp Sparrows on the Golf Course, a Dickcissel and a White-throated Sparrow at the Inn, a Mountain Plover and Chestnut-collared Longspur at Grimshaw Lake NW of Tecopa, a Plumbeous Vireo, Nuttall's Woodpecker, Red-naped Sapsucker, and House Wren. Scotty's Castle had an American Redstart, Warbling Vireo, and 5 Red-naped Sapsuckers. Deep Springs had Magnolia Warbler near the ponds, and Tollhouse had 125-150 Pinyon Jays. Happy Birding,
Michael J. San Miguel, Jr. Glendora, Ca