Northern Cardinal at China Ranch

From: Tom & Jo Heindel
Date: 11/30/99
Time: 6:36:28 PM
Remote Name:


There is an adult male Northern Cardinal at China Ranch, near Tecopa, Inyo County. This bird was first identified in June by Brian Brown, the owner of China Ranch! He notified a birder who failed to pass on the information so it wasn't until Steve Tucker posted us Saturday saying he and Rob Hewitt found it and wondered if we knew of it. Noooooo! We arrived Monday and had an hour of light but no joy. We photographed it this morning (Tuesday) feeding under the mesquites at the south edge of the parking lot next to the gift shop. It was most often seen to the left of a small white trailer and after a cup of seed was put out spent much of its time chasing House Sparrows away from his cache. We then celebrated with a couple of famous date shakes. Good luck. T&J