Date: 2/22/00
Time: 8:26:42 AM
Remote Name:
Mike, thanks for your report. Sounds like you've been doing a lot of driving. The Wrentits here in the Owens Valley seem to have become quiet and difficult to stinulate with tape recordings since the onset of fall/winter. T&JH managed to get one to respond at Granite View when the day before I had no succes in an extended attempt. My wife and I in December needed over an hour to elicit a response from the Wrentit at Tub Springs, west of Independence. And we were unable to get any resonse from the WT at Hogback Creek riparian zone, midway betwixt Lone Pine and Independence. In your experience, do Wrentits sing in winter? Also, if you are seeking to add WT to your Inyo list, do not give up, but try again in the spring. Contact me for whatever information on their whereabouts I may have.