From: Tom & Jo Heindel
Date: 2/22/00
Time: 8:47:30 AM
Remote Name:
This morning we watched two White-tailed Kites perched in the same tree preening and seemingly comfortable with the close proximity of the other probably indicating a pair. They were ca. 500 yards southwest of Nik & Nik Gravel site on 5 Bridges Road. On our way out we saw them still in the same dead snag tree and then drove immediately to Deb's spot to see if there were three. On our way there a White-tailed Kite flew over our car coming from where we had just seen it and on a direct path to the "forest". We found Deb's white pile of rocks and a kite perched right where she said it was! If we had not seen the kite fly over our car we would have counted 3 kites but we put down 2 today even though there still could have been three. We refound the Greater Yellowlegs that Rick Vocelka found yesterday (10 Feb) which is the first of spring date away from the Owens Lake.