From: Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
Date: 4/18/00
Time: 11:02:11 AM
Remote Name:
Early Tuesday morning we awoke to a wondrous plethora of migrating birds in the willows behind our backyard. A first of spring Nashville Warbler, a Black Throated Gray, 20 Orange Crowned, many Audubons male and female, 1 Warbling Vireo, 1 Cassin's Vireo, 3 male Bullocks Orioles, 2 Lark Sparrows, 1 Gray Flycatcher, 1 Solitary Sandpiper, 1 Black Heaeded Grosbeak, and one Great Horned Owl. Whew! Some of these were seen at the green Gate Cottonwoods, but most were in the field directly behind Chris and Rosie's house on Zuni Circle. We think the great increase in the numbers of migrants is due to fallout that occurred because of the storm. Two days ago we saw a Hammonds Flycatcher at the Green Gate. Looks migration is in full swing. Happy viewing!