From: Chris Howard
Date: 4/21/00
Time: 4:38:08 PM
Remote Name:
A dark headed gull around here right now must be a Bonaparte's Gull right? Wrong! Bonaparte's Gull is what first crossed my mind when I saw these birds flying overhead. However, even at 500 ft overhead, I could see the black wingtips, tinged with with white on the very tips, with white just inside the black, making the appearance of a white bracelet, before the gray of the rest of the wing. When they landed they had blood red bills and a bold, incomplete eyering.
They were last seen in the NE shallow pond with Cal gulls, 20 Ibis, 3 Willet, 2 Cattle Egrets, 2 Dunlin, 3 Blue-winged Teal, >50 Cinnamon Teal, and >75 peeps.