From: Bartshe Miller
Date: 5/1/00
Time: 4:28:56 PM
Remote Name:
A few notes on protocol: Eared Grebes and California Gulls are not counted due to CA Gull research and other census efforts. Only waterbirds, raptors, and owls were counted. The entire lakeshore (with the exception of one, 1-mile stretch) was covered within 7 hours. This area included DeChambeau and County Ponds.
Thanks to the following individuals for slogging it out around the lake: Rosie Beach, Bea Cooley, Jean Dillingham, Kathy Duvall, Joel Ellis, Carolyn Gann, Eliot Gann, Noah Hamm, Chris Howard, Phil Kiddoo, Dave Marquart, Bartshe Miller, Craig Roecker, Erin Shafto, Derrick Vocelka, and Mary Vocelka (complete count results and notes will be mailed in the coming week)
I take no responsibility for how this data posts, but here it goes:
Species Total Horned Grebe 1 Double-crested Cormorant 1 Snowy Egret 1 White-faced Ibis 1 Canada Goose 30 Mallard 219 Gadwall 137 Green-winged Teal 27 American Widgeon 2 Northern Pintail 112 Northern Shoveler 36 Cinnamon Teal 183 Ring-necked Duck 1 Bufflehead 3 Common Merganser 1 Duck species 90 Turkey Vulture 2 Osprey 8 Northern Harrier 5 Red-tailed Hawk 1 American Kestrel 11 Virginia Rail 4 Sora 7 American Coot 20 Black-bellied Plover 9 Snowy Plover 14 Semipalmated Plover 31 Killdeer 79 American Avocet 556 Black-necked Stilt 22 Willet 4 Greater Yellowlegs 22 Lesser Yellowlegs 8 Spotted Sandpiper 2 Whimbrel 1 Long-billed Curlew 1 Marbled Godwit 3 Sanderling 4 Dunlin 36 Western Sandpiper 181 Least Sandpiper 599 Least/Western Sandpiper 1789 Short-billed Dowitcher 3 Long-billed Dowitcher 44 Dowitcher species 48 Common Snipe 17 Wilson's Phalarope 62 Red-necked Phalarope 13 Franklin's Gull 2 Bonaparte's Gull 48 Short-eared Owl 1 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 4501 TOTAL SPECIES 49
To see the 1999 and 1998 spring count results go to: