From: Tom & Jo Heindel
Date: 5/21/00
Time: 2:22:32 PM
Remote Name:
On 20 May while banding at Deep Springs a second year male Summer Tanager (splotchy yellow and red) and female were captured, banded and released. Measurements indicate that they both were of the race "rubra" from the east and not the race "cooperi" which breeds in CA. Also an Oporornis warbler was banded that exhibited the characteristics of a Mourning Warbler. Extensive study occurred and photographs were taken and the results will be circulated to determine if it was an anomalous MacGillivray's or a Mourning. The amount of white in the eye arcs was so highly reduced as to be visible only in the hand. This lesson should serve to explain why the conservative approach to accepting sightings of rare birds is best. We had the bird in the hand and are not sure what it was!