From: Michael J. San Miguel, Jr.
Date: 5/29/00
Time: 1:54:56 PM
Remote Name:
Spent Fri May 26 through Sun May 28 in the Eastern Inyo desert.
Furnace Creek Golf Course had a male Painted Bunting on 26th and 27th in the date palm grove with a male Dickcissel continuing on the 27th, and at least four Indigo Buntings. In addition, there was a singing male Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Northern Waterthrush, American Redstart, Yellow-rumped Warbler (late), two Bobolinks, a pair of Blue-winged Teal, and a very late American Pipit on the Golf Course.
China Ranch had a singing male Hooded Warbler on the 28th with numerous western migrants inculding a late Black-throated Gray Warbler and female Townsends Warbler.
Scotty's Castle had a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Indigo Bunting.
FCR was a cool 118 degrees on the 27th (115 with the wind chill).
That's It Michael J. San Miguel, Jr.