Blue-winged/Cinnamon Teal hybrid at BSP

From: Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
Date: 6/26/00
Time: 9:55:20 PM
Remote Name:


Looking for the moorhen this luck on that...we found an apparent male Blue-winged/Cinnamon Teal hybrid with three other male Blue-winged and a handful of Cinnamon's. The white crescent behind the eye was only partially developed (most developed toward the top part of the crescent), the body and head was darker and more cinnamony than the adjacent Blue-wings, and there was a pronounced white mark toward the rear. The bill appeared to belong to a cinnamon, but we wouldn't go to the wall on that mark. The bird was much like the one John Finkbeiner descibed back on 3/31/00 at Farmer's Ponds (, but this one didn't have a "steel blue" head. Also, it appeared this bird had begun it's molt to eclipse plumage.

The "White Duck" is still out there, too.