From: Mike San Miguel and Bruce Broadbooks
Date: 2/16/01
Time: 8:58:28 PM
Remote Name:
Hello all:
This morning Bruce Broadbooks and I were in Mono County looking for the Snow Bunting reported by Debbi House and Chris Brady last weekend. There is a huge flock of Horned Larks that required a great deal of patience to sort through. We did not find the SNBU but found at least one (possibly 2) male BLACK ROSY-FINCH. There were also about 40-50 Gray-crowned Rosy Finches. The birds were on the field on the north side of the sign marking Montgomery Creek Ranch along Highway 6 about 30 miles north of Bishop. The field is marked by a huge center-pivot irrigation machine. Most of the snow from the storms earlier in the week has melted leaving large patches of bare ground. A good scope is essential and be prepared for cold and windy conditions.
At Zack Ranch about 10 miles south along Highway 6 there was a Lapland Longspur among another 5,000+ Horned Larks on the west side of the raod.
The White-winged Junco continues in the springs due east of Laws out of Bishop.
Mike San Miguel Arcadia CA