Bishop Sewer Ponds are hopping again

From: Chris Howard
Date: 4/24/01
Time: 9:06:00 AM
Remote Name:


A Common Moorhen was the highlight on a quick walk this morning before work (4/24). The Moorhen was in the 'reedy' pond where Carolyn had found one a while back. An gorgeous alternate plumage Common Loon was in the SW pond inside the fence. The NE pond is getting shallow and already has some islands which had 30 peeps (mostly leasts), 1 Spotted Sandpiper, 2 Avocets, 15 White-faced Ibis, 1 Black-necked Stilt, and 1 Greater Yellowlegs. 10 Wilsons Phalaropes were joined by 2 Red-necked Phalaropes. A Curlew called while flying over. An impressive 40 Cormorants were on the snags on SE pond. Good stuff!