From: Cerro Coso Community College ID of Calif. Wildlife Class
Date: 5/9/01
Time: 11:17:38 AM
Remote Name:
On 5/5, 8am, our class spotted 2 Soras, 2 Yellow-headed Black Birds, 1 Marsh Hawk, 8 Dowitchers (Long-billed?), 10 Sandpipers (Western?), 2 American Avocets, 1 Killdeer, 2 male-female pairs of Cinnamon Teals, 2 Canada Geese & 2 Red-winged Blackbirds. At 1 pm at Laurel Ponds we spotted 300+ California Gulls, 6 Eared Grebes, 2 American Avocets, 2 Mallards, 30+ Double-crested Cormorants, 2 Red-winged Blackbirds, 3 Canada Geese, 10+ Wilson's Phalaropes, 2 adult breeding Bonaparte's Gulls (they had black bills), 4 Mallards and 5 American Coots. We also saw a young female Peregrine Falcon being trained by her handler.