From: Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
Date: 5/10/01
Time: 8:20:09 AM
Remote Name:
Outside last night's Audubon meeting (9 May) I heard a 'KBeer' call note. I was pretty sure it was a Cassin's Kingbird. Jim and Debby Parker, who had just had gobs of them in Arizona agreed. This morning (10 May) Rosie and I watched it for 10 minutes or so. We could easily see it was darker-breasted and larger than the adjacent Westerns, had a pale tip to the slightly notched tail, and had a very contrasty white throat. It continued to do it's 'KBeer' call note. We wonder if this is the same individual Jim and Debby heard at the same location a year ago outside the April 2000 Audubon meeting?!
To get to White Mountain Research Station, drive east out of Bishop on Line Street over the Owens River. WMRS is on the right. The bird has been frequenting the Cottonwood tree just east of the Volleyball Court.