From: John Green
Date: 6/3/01
Time: 12:49:15 PM
Remote Name:
California Birders,
For years the Southeastern California Rare Bird Alert (RBA) has covered Imperial, Inyo, Southeastern Kern, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties. In recent times, the proliferation of listservs, websites, etc. has drastically reduced the number of direct reports to the RBA, and increased the amount of work that I must do as compiler to round up the birds being seen in any given week. Places where reports have been appearing include:
Calbird Eastern Sierra Birds Kern River Preserve Website Los Angeles RBA (sometimes has reports from southeastern counties) Mojave Desert Bird Club Good Bird Alert SDBIRDS (San Diego...sometimes has Imperial County reports) Southern California Birdbox
This is not a complete list of places that SE CA bird reports appear, it's just a list of places that I've checked recently.
I have continued to do this so that our reports would be as complete as possible, and so that knowledge of birds that were only being reported on the web would be accessible to people who only get reports from our phone RBA. With the addition of yet another local SE CA listserv this week, and with increasing demands on my time at home and at work, I have decided to stop scouring the state for reports.
From now on, for the most part, only reports that are e-mailed directly to me (, or phoned to the rare bird alert at (909) 793-5599 will be included on the RBA.
PLEASE do not read this letter as an attack on other sources of information. They all serve a good purpose. I simply ask that you CC or phone a copy of your SE CA report to us if you are e-mailing or posting it to a website, other RBA, or the Birdbox. If you have some reason that you don't want to report to the SE CA RBA, that is your business, of course. You don't need to tell me what your reason is. No one is obligated to report. I would appreciate it though, and so would the birders who get information from our RBA. Those of you who have been or will be making direct reports to us, THANK YOU!
John Green Riverside, CA Compiler SE CA RBA