From: Chris Howard
Date: 6/30/01
Time: 2:31:16 PM
Remote Name:
What a coincidence! the same time Carolyn had ten Black Terns in Bishop this morning I had ten alternate plumaged Black Terns at Tinemaha Reservoir. They were accompanied by 4 Forster's Terns, 6 Caspian Terns, 8 White-faced Ibis, 3 alternate plumage Spotted Sandpipers, 6 American Avocets, and 10 American White Pelicans. The Black and Forester's Terns, and the Ibis are listed as casual at this time of year in the Heindel graphs. Active breeders at Tinemaha included 7 pair of Clarks Grebes and 4 pair of Pied-billed grebes, both species doing courtship rituals and building floating nests. Fun stuff!