From: J. Zatorski
Date: 8/9/01
Time: 2:06:49 PM
Remote Name:
While in the field on Wendesday just east of town the Bishop Canal, some Flickers were making a racket, and what flew out of the foliage was a Western SO. It flew to another nearby tree where I had real good looks at it (~20' away) for a spell. Then it glided to another tree and was lost in the foliage again. Also just a bit earlier there were about 10 to 15 Black-chinned HB and at least 1 confirmed male Rufous HB buzzing all around the patches of Wyoming Paintbrush (Castilleja linarifolia) growing in the field. For those who are not familiar witht this paintbrush, it grows up to 5' tall and about 3' wide. This is a large paintbrush and is found throughout the Owens Valley in meadows with rabbitbrush growing in them. I've seen hummers occasionally on this paintbrush but never so many.