From: Parkers
Date: 8/13/01
Time: 8:24:10 AM
Remote Name:
Saturday west of Meadowcreek 4 pinyon jays were near a canal calling and flushing off. Sunday in Birchim the willow flycatcher was singing its "fitzbew" over and over for us, we find this is rarely heard in these parts except on territory. Had a dull vireo, too brief of a look, a scrub jay too. Probable yellow-breasted chat but never gave a full song or showed itself. Up Pine Creek canyon near the "big bend" in the road another missed vireo, western tanagers, and Jim spied a green-tailed towhee up on the dry hillside. While Mono gets these they are much rarer in Inyo. Lots of spectacular rufous hummers at folks feeders these days.