Good birds and habitat at Tinemaha Reservoir

From: Chris Howard
Date: 8/15/01
Time: 8:47:28 AM
Remote Name:


Yesterday (8/14) evening I ventured down to Tinemaha Reservoir via the east-side road. Water levels are very low right now, but will start rising as DWP will soon be doing aqueduct work downstream. The mudflats are downright extensive and have a lot of potential. I didn't see anything unusual, but there were 14 species of shorebirds in pretty good numbers. Neat birds included...

400 American White Pelicans, 30 Double-crested Cormorants, 15 Great Blue Herons, 30 Great Egrets, 5 Snowy Egrets, 8 Black-crowned Night Herons, 30 White-faced Ibis, 1 Wood Duck, 6 Semipalmated Plovers, 15 Killdeer, 20 American Avocets, 6 Greater Yellowlegs, 4 Solitary Sandpipers, 1 Willet, 8 Spotted Sandpipers, 1 Long-billed Curlew, 50 Western Sandpipers, 300 Least Sandpipers, 12 Long-billed Dowitchers, 25 Common Snipe, 300 Wilson's Phalarope, 30 Red-necked Phalarope, 12 Caspian Tern. After the sun set, both Common and Lesser Nighthawks were seen skimming the surface of the water.