From: Mike San Miguel
Date: 9/19/01
Time: 8:59:44 PM
Remote Name:
Hi all:
At Galileo, before I headed up to Furnace Greek Ranch, there were a few western migrants and some vagrants including a Lewis's Woodpecker a worn adult Eastern Kingbird at the pond near the archery range, an early Palm Warbler on the mound near the petting zoo, Black and-White Warbler, Northern Waterthrush and an immature dark-lored White-crowned Sparrow. I did not bird at Galileo this afternoon.
At Furnace Creek Ranch this morning they have just finished overseeding the golf course and only this morning did they begin to irrigate. I anticipate once the new grass begins to sprout birding will improve. A very slow morning was otherwise punctuated with a Swainson's Hawk, a Solitary Sandpiper, two Vermilion Flycatchers and a Northern Waterthrush. Incidentally the course superentendent's name is Bob and he was friendly, but as would be expected, he asked that I stay on the cart paths and along the edges of the greenways.
Mike San Miguel