From: Bob Maurer
Email: 1
Date: 10/23/01
Time: 6:48:05 PM
Remote Name:
On the afternoon of the 21st, morning and afternoon of the 22nd I had a first winter Western Gull at the Cottonwood Marsh where the creek empties into the Owens Lake. Close approach to a sitting and then flying bird. On the late afternoon of the 22nd it was resting next to an adult winter plummaged Herring Gull, possibly the same bird I saw here in Sept. Along the dirt road, adjacent to the fenced pasture was a sickly female lapland longspur. Other birds of interest here both days was a pectoral sandpiper and 7 long-billed curlews and on the 21st were 19 Snowy Plovers. On the 22nd at Dirty Socks the Black-bellied Plover was still present but was about 200 yds north of the pond dike. American Bittern present at the Cartego Marsh. White-fronted geese at N. Haiwee and Cottonwood Marsh.