From: Chris Howard
Date: 11/9/01
Time: 1:43:53 PM
Remote Name:
Today (9 Nov) at lunch, there was a male Vermilion Flycatcher at the Bishop Sewer Ponds, likely one of the same two males seen there about a month ago. Today's bird was south of the Sewer Ponds proper in the trees alongside the distant duck pond. It was in the tree just northwest of that duck pond. This bird was just short of being a fully adult plumaged male, still having some white in the throat and breast, but overall...STUNNING!
Also, along the little farmers road west of Airport Rd, just south of the Sewer Ponds fenceline, were 8 Vesper Sparrows. I don't see this sparrow very often (even though they are listed as fairly common this time of year in the Heindel graphs) so seeing them (and identifying them!) is pretty fun.