From: Jon Dunn, Parkers, Heindels
Date: 11/10/01
Time: 3:22:29 PM
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A female Black Scoter, 3rd county record, was found at Tinemaha Reservoir 9 Nov by Jon Dunn. The Parkers and Heindels walked out on the dam and were able to watch it sleeping and feeding for almost an hour. The first 2 records both occurred in 1985: 1 female at FCR 2 Nov and 1 male at Little Lake 28 Nov. Other sightings of interest are: 2 Vermilion Flycatchers at Bishop Sewer Ponds on 9 Nov (sorry Chris) that are probably the ones found on the 11th of Oct (1 from 9 Oct); 1 Red-throated and 2 Pacific loons at Tinemaha while watching the scoter; a Harris's Sparrow below the dam found by Jon Dunn; and 1 very late Spotted Sandpiper found by the Parkers just below the dam.