Osprey,Fox Sparrow and Hermit Thrush

From: Parker
Email: 1
Date: 12/6/01
Time: 2:02:04 PM
Remote Name:


Yesterday near the intersection of Saniger and Dixon Lane, an Osprey flew in and landed on top of telephone pole allowing for good views. Today in Birchim a gray & rufous Fox Sparrow was above the greengate in the Willow Grove area (huge willows overhanging the river with a waterfall)this bird had no streaks on the back, the altavagans race has been suggested. At the metal bridge near the housing area, a Hermit Thrush was seen well. Golden-crowned Kinglet heard and about 20 Ruby-crowned Kinglets were in a mixed flock here, with Oregon Junco, yellow-rumped warbler and Bushtits.