Mono Lake CBC results - BOWA....

Date: 1/4/02
Time: 11:43:10 AM
Remote Name:


On new year's day we hosted the Mono lake CBC. Fairly mellow, but did turn up some fun birds. 2-3 BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS were found in the aspens and apple trees along Dechambeau creek, where the old 395 crosses it. This is about 0.35(ish) miles north of Lee Vining Co. park off 395. There is a subtle road off to the left (west). They were still there yesterday eating rose hips. I just heard more were seen in Lee Vining as well. A N. PYGMY-OWL was found in Lee Vining, eluded to us by a scolding N. Shrike. SAGE SPARROWS have never been found on this count before, but an amazing 10 were seen in 2 locations - near the Dechambeau/county ponds, and by South Tufa. A TREE SPARROW has been seen in Mono City. Several SHORT-EARED OWLS have been seen in the marsh and large grassland area between mono lake and the county ponds, near (below) the Deachambeau pond complex. More stuff during count week: I found a CHESTNUT-COLORED LONGSPUR yesterday near county ponds.

Happy new year, Kristie Nelson