Long-tailed duck at crowley...

From: Kristie Nelson
Email: storm_petrel@hotmail.com
Date: 2/11/02
Time: 12:07:25 PM
Remote Name:


Howdy all, Yesterday was a splendid day at Crowley Lake. Warm and alive with birds. Highlight was a LONG-TAILED DUCK. She, along with the other waterfowl were along the NE part of crowley (largest unfrozen part) accessed by Laton Springs Rd off Benton Crossing (4WD, good clearance only, but less snow than a month ago). The LTD, and other ducks that were on the shore closest to the road flushed when I 1st came around the corner, but I stayed in my truck till they landed again. I have not been there for a month, and there was some turn over. Less wigeon and scaup, more swans and Ring-neckeds. There were: 30 beautiful swans 30-40 Canvasback 2 redhead 1 Snow goose, grazing with Canadas around Owen's river, a little up from the lake edge 150+ green winged teal, seem happy to eat all the exposed grass Lots of other waterfowl also.

Afterwards, I went to Benton, hoping to get Ferruginous hawk for Mono. I didn't really expect to see one, since I was actually looking for one. But I was successful, there was one by alfalfa stubble on Cinnamon Ranch Rd, which is south of benton off Hwy 6, near mile marker 17.0 There was also a crow in Benton, something I don't see much in Mono county.

I think with all the warm weather birds have been moving around a bit. 3 days ago there was a SAGE THRASHER near Deachambeau creek and 395, and there was a pair of Mt. BLUEBIRDS there yesterday (have not seen bluebirds there since fall). Santiago, at the Mono Lake Committee saw a BLUE-WINGED TEAL at Dechambeau ponds saturday. have fun, Kristie