American Robin in Mazourka Canyon on Feb 17

From: Mike Bogan
Date: 2/19/02
Time: 10:02:36 AM
Remote Name:


Dawne Becker and myself (DFG) saw a Robin at the pipe outflow of Barrel Springs, just south of the burned down building and old mines in Mazourka Canyon. The White/Inyo Nat. Hist. book claimed that they're rare in the Inyos, so I thought it was worth a post. Also a question: what is the correct species name for the spotted/rufous towhee of the Whites? I saw one at Tollhouse Springs yesterday, and the Nat Geo. "Birds of NA" book has them as Pilpilo maculatus montanus (as does Grinell and Miller 1944), but the White/Inyo book and the Sierra Nevada Natural History don't have P.m.montanus, but rather P. erythropthalmus (which is the Eastern Towhee in the "Nat. Geo Birds of NA"). i'm just curious what the local consensus is on the nomenclature of this critter.