Eastern Sierra Reservoir Elevations

From: Chris Howard
Email: choward@telis.org
Date: 3/5/02
Time: 9:10:44 AM
Remote Name:


Have you ever wondered if water levels at Tinemaha or Crowley are ripe for shorebird habitat, but didn't want to drive there to find out? Well, you can check realtime elevations and the past few days on the DWP website: http://web.ladwp.com/~wsoweb/Aqueduct/realtime/realtimeindex.htm. For example, http://web.ladwp.com/~wsoweb/Aqueduct/operations/index.htm shows the Tinemaha high water elevation (bad for shorebirds) at 3866 ft.  This morning it is reported as 3857.1 ft, and rising.  I was there on the March 2nd and it was at the lowest water level I've ever seen (3856.6). This info might help you plan your next reservoir outing. By the way, right now there are tons of ducks (1000's) and mergansers (100's) at Tinemaha concentrated near the dam and inlet. Also, 100 or so white pelicans and 50 or so cormorants and our first of spring cliff swallow.