eastern sierra bird hotline??

From: Kristie Nelson
Email: storm_petrel@hotmail.com
Date: 3/10/02
Time: 11:31:16 AM
Remote Name:


Hi all,

I was wondering what kind of interest there would be in establishing an eastern sierra bird hotline. Covering say Inyo and Mono coiunties?? While this webpage is a true gem (nothing can beat the ease and fun of posting pictures, and little discussions, etc.), yet there is the minority, such as myself, who have no home computer (I'm at the whim of the Mono Lake committee being open and having a free computer). With the spring vagrant season approaching, it could be nice for a hotline where reporting sightings is fast and can be accessed from just a phone. What do others think?? Yesterday there was a black phoebe, 3 say's, 4 GR. Yellowlegs and 4 early dowitchers at Dechambaeu ponds.