White-faced Ibis and Semipalmated Plover at Bishop Sewer Ponds

From: Chris Howard
Email: choward@telis.org
Date: 4/11/02
Time: 8:55:41 AM
Remote Name:


WHITE-FACED IBIS - 4 on 10 Apr flying at dusk over Bishop Sewer Ponds were first of spring for me and one day later than the previous Inyo spring arrival date. Large dark birds with spindly feet outstreched beyond tail; long decurved bill. One continued today in the NE large pond.

SEMIPALMATED PLOVER - 2 on 11 Apr landing at Bishop Sewer Ponds tied the Inyo spring arrival date; were heard first (single chew-weep note) then viewed at 100 feet. Single complete black breast-band, dark brown back, short bi-colored bill, and orange legs. Were hanging out with a few dozen Least and a dozen Western Sandpipers in the NE Pond. The NE Pond is drying up right now, with good islands, so shorebirding here in the next month should be pretty good!