From: Kerry Wilcox/Chris Rintoul
Date: 4/17/02
Time: 12:26:46 PM
Remote Name:
We walked up the road starting about 1/2 mile from 395 (accross from Boulder Creek RV Park). At a densely vegetated turn in the road, we saw one (possibly two) WAVIs bopping around the trees. Also saw and heard a number of Blue Gray Gnatcatchers, Black-throated Sparrows, an Orange-crowned Warbler and the usual orgy of Audubon's Warblers. Also saw an Empid, but weren't able to id it--almost no eye ring (WIFL?). Further up the road, we saw hundreds of Violet Green Swallows and some White Throated Swifts. Gorgeous afternoon, once the wind died down.