Owens Lake along the Sulfate Road (Zone 2 shallow flood)  : 1500-2000 Wilson's and Red-necked Phalaropes, 1000+ American Avocets and 100's of distant peeps (mostly Western and some Least) two juvinal Bairds Sandpiper and one Solitary Sandpiper .

From: Mike and Nancy Prather
Email: prather@qnet.com
Remote Name:
Date: 08/26/02
Time: 03:57 PM


Solitary Sandpiper was along the seeps on the left where the road reaches the lake edge (Hutchinson Well).

2002 fieldseason at Owens Lake had 127 Snowy Plover nests, 250+ American Avocet nests and spring one-day highs of 18,000 peeps and 7,000 American Avocets.