Owens Lake Birds

From: C. Rintoul, Z. Ruhlen, K. Wilcox
Email: crintoul@prbo.org
Remote Name:
Date: 09/23/02
Time: 01:10 PM


We had a great survey of Owens Lake this morning with the following highlights by location:

Zone 2 Shallow Flood Ponds (Keeler Ponds): Marbled Godwits - 3 Sanderlings - 9 Black-bellied Plover - 2 Lesser Yellowlegs - 5 Baird's Sandpiper - 1

Phase 1 Gated Outflow (this is an area near the Dirty Socks construction site where water from the salt grass plots has been drained, creating expansive shallow water areas):

Wilson's Phalarope! - 1 (ID'd by swimming/foraging behavior, pale gray, plain back, lack of dark eye patch, size {in same ponded area as Red-necked Phalarope} Ruddy Turnstone! - 1 Pectoral Sandpiper - 1 Semipalmated Plovers - 3 Marbled Godwit - 1 Sanderling - 1 Baird's Sandpipers - 2

Phase 1 Shallow Flood Pond (Dirty Socks Construction Zone): Sanderling - 1