Northern Shrike yesterday & today west of Meadowcreek

From: Debby Parker
Remote Name:
Date: 10/29/02
Time: 11:03:30 AM

Rare in Inyo County, according to Heindel's graphbook, with the earliest date, Oct. 26th, this youngster (first fall bird) showed up yesterday, Oct. 28th. It has different look to it because it's an immature, with its back a pale gray, small mask only behind the eye, rufous in the cheek and fine dark barring down the pale breast into the lower belly area. Yesterday, while watching this bird chase a YRWA, it gave a loud shriek before it jumped on the warbler. The warbler somehow escaped and flew off. To try & locate this bird, park at Greengate cots (west end of Dixon Ln) and walk south thru the gate, taking left or easterly trail, until you get to a metal walking bridge. The bird has been hanging out here and usually perches on the highest part of the big trees. This area is just west of Meadowcreek and Zuni Circle. (See photos here)