Furnace Creek Ranch 5 November 2002

From: Mike San Miguel
Email: Sanmigbird@aol.com
Remote Name:
Date: 11/06/02
Time: 04:54:57 PM


Yesterday Todd McGrath and I birded Furnace Creek Ranch from 6:50 to about noon. Many of the birds reported earlier remained but we did not see the mystery merganser or any of the White-throated Sparrows. At the northwest pond there were 5 Snow and 6 Ross's Geese and the two female Hooded Mergansers were hiding under the fallen tamarisk on the pond near the pro shop. The Black -bellied Plover was last seen on the airport sewer ponds. Two Lewis's Woodpeckers were near the Ranch Entrance and a late Barn Swallow was over the tenth faiway. Two American Tree Sparrows were at opposite ends of the golf course and a Clay-colored Sparrow was near the PUGA pond where the Rusty Black bird was still present. Song Sparrows representing at least three different races were at various locations around the course and three Swamp Sparrows, two together near the main pond, were also present. The purple finch was near building 600 and a male Cassin's Finch was near the fourth fairway. A quick stop at Wildrose produced few birds and late in the afternoon at Galileo Hill we saw a continuing Summer Tanager and a White-throated Sparrow.