Observers: Tom & Jo Heindel
Remote Name:
Date: 12/07/02
Time: 02:26 PM
On 7 Dec the White-winged Scoter continues at Tinemaha Reservoir but now has to share the "Ohs and Ahs" with an adult Bald Eagle, the First of Fall in the valley. A female Merlin, F. c. columbarius, was at Steward Lane and showed what "powered flight" really means. An immature male Indigo Bunting was found yesterday at Birch Creek by John and Ros Gorham and remained at least until today. It exceeds the latest ever record by 4 days, so far...sorry Parkers and Dunn! The earliest record, an adult male photographed 14-15 Apr 1998 at Fish Springs (Jimmy Eichman)is about 1 mile, as the bunting flies, from the now latest record. Neat huh!