
Roadkill Barn Owl in Bishop banded in central valley

Observers: Chris Howard and Rosie Beach
Email: choward@telis.org
Remote Name:
Date: 12/09/02
Time: 08:57:46 PM


On 21 Nov 2002, we were given a road-killed Barn Owl from south of Bishop with an aluminum US Fish and Wildlife Service leg-band. We submitted the band number to USFWS and got a letter back from them today. It said the owl was banded on 28 April 2002 in Winton (on hwy 99, near Merced) as a flegling, too young to fly. Such an unfortunate fate for a young trans-Sierran migrant, but equally interesting to know some Barn Owls do migrate over the Sierra. P.S. Any bird found with an aluminum USFWS leg band should be reported to the USFWS Bird Banding Laboratory at http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/bbl/ or (800)327-BAND. Also, the county bird coordinators would appreciate the info: Tom and Jo Heindel for Inyo and Kristie Nelson for Mono.