
Bishop Christmas Bird Count Info

Observers: Chris Howard
Email: choward@telis.org
Remote Name:
Date: 12/10/02
Time: 04:13:02 PM

Potential Bishop Christmas Bird Counters- 

I'm excited for this Saturday the 14th's Bishop CBC...there are definitely some good birds in the area. It's our job to find them! 

There is a Pre-CBC Meeting at Rosie and my house on Thursday, Dec 12th at 7:00PM to strategize and break into teams. Our address is 1763 Zuni Circle. Phone 873-7422. Directions: Head north on Barlow Lane from hwy 395, turn left on Shoshone, turn left again on Zuni Circle. If you can't make the Pre-CBC meeting, please let me know as soon as you can so I can assign you an area to cover. 

The Post-CBC tally meeting will be at James and Kay Wilson's house at 5:00PM on Saturday. Bring snacks/food to share if you're not totally beat from the count. The address is 2689 Highland Drive. Phone: 873-3859. Directions: Head south on Barlow Lane from Line Street (hwy 168) and turn right (west) on Highland Drive. 

National Audubon is asking for a $5 per participant donation to pay for CBC overhead. This mostly covers the CBC database and website. It's pretty neat...check it out at http://www.birdsource.org/ or http://www.audubon.org/bird/cbc/ Every paying participant will receive a FREE copy of the annual CBC results: American Birds. 

Click here for the Bishop CBC count circle map; and click here for a checklist to fill out on CBC-day; and click here for a rare bird documentation form. All birds in bold on the checklist should be documented...as well as those not on the list. 

This week (Sunday Dec., 8th through Friday Dec., 13th) is "Count Week". Please keep track of specialty birds you may see this week that may be missed on Count Day. We can add those species to our Count Week total. 

P.S. Note that this year Common Snipe has been split from its old world cousin and reverted back to its original name: Wilson's Snipe. So anyone seeing a Common Snipe this year will certainly have to submit documentation!

Thanks! -Chris