
Bishop CBC results

Observers: Chris Howard
Email: choward@telis.org
Remote Name:
Date: 12/15/02
Time: 11:32:38 AM

Many thanks to the participants of yesterday's Bishop CBC. The count was an overwhelming success; six species were found that had never been found on a Bishop CBC before. The preliminary total number of species seen is a new count record: 107. 

Weather was surprisingly good.  With the exception of our mountaineering teams, winds were calm.

(Underlined denotes new to count.) Highlights include an EASTERN PHOEBE found by the Carolyn Gann/Wilson/Nahm/Mitchel team at the Bishop Golf Course (photographed at right) and WESTERN BLUEBIRDS. The Parker's had OSPREY and SURF SCOTER at Pleasant Valley Reservoir. Dunn and House found HARRIS'S SPARROW, LARK BUNTING, BARN SWALLOW, and SWAMP SPARROW in Round Valley. The Heindel's located a COMMON YELLOWTHROAT at the Bishop Sewer Ponds and two WESTERN SCREECH-OWLS.  A GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW was found by Gates/Heath/McCreedy near the Owens River and a female VARIED THRUSH in a Bishop yard. A GREATER YELLOWLEGS was found at Nik and Nik Ponds by the Wells/Vocelka/Duvall/Engelhardt group. A whopping 33 EVENING GROSBEAKS mobbed the Nelson/Ellis/Miller/Escruceria team up high on Bishop Creek. A BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON was tallied by the Parker's near Birchim Canyon. At least two MERLIN were near Bishop. It's a slow year for CASSIN'S FINCHES, but the Zatorski/Hetzler mountaineers found six at a Starlight feeder.  Chris and Rosie's "SOOTY" FOX SPARROW continued go feed on sunflower seeds it their backyard.

Also intriguing was a report by the Wells/Vocelka/Duvall/Engelhardt group of a woodpecker showing many characteristics of LADDER-BACKED WOODPECKER on Bishop Creek Canal south of Dixon Lane.  Unfortunately, the bird was silent, so the possiblity of hybridization with NUTTALL'S WOODPECKER exists.  Efforts to refind the bird were unsuccessful.  The Gorham's had another intriguing report of an bird exhibiting characteristics of an adult GOSHAWK (documentation forthcoming).

Notable misses were few: Greater Roadrunner, Common Merganser, and Sage Sparrow.

P.S. New to this year's Bishop CBC..."Count Week" extends three days before and after count day.  Please post me if you see any birds missed yesterday; they can be added to our Count Week total.

Digiscoped by Chris Howard on 15 Dec 2002 at Bishop Golf Course.  Cooplix995 handheld through Leica 77mm APO scope.